Asbestos and the risk of mesothelioma is something that Louisiana workers are often exposed to both in the workplace and at home. Experts agree that the most common situations where asbestos exposure can occur are found in many places throughout Louisiana. These areas include: Ship building and repair. Southern Louisiana, and especially the New Orleans area, is a bustling area for ports and there are many facilities where ships are built or repaired. Any of these facilities may have used asbestos-containing materials at some time. Pipe fitters, boiler makers, electricians and even general laborers who may have had to walk through areas with heavy asbestos exposure are all at risk of contracting diseases such as mesothelioma.
Residential and commercial construction. Asbestos-containing materials may have been used in many types of construction projects including commercial buildings, schools, hospitals and residential homes. Insulation, roofing shingles and even joint compound has been shown to contain asbestos.
Insulation manufacturing. Several manufacturing facilities located in the New Orleans area which manufactured products containing asbestos are often linked in mesothelioma lawsuits. Workers at these facilities run a high risk of bringing asbestos home on their skin or clothes and causing second hand, or Family Exposure. This family exposure to asbestos can sometimes be enough to bring on a case of mesothelioma in later years.
Automobile brake and clutch work. Automobile and brake shops can be found throughout Louisiana and may be a dangerous source of asbestos exposure. For many years asbestos was a primary compound in brake linings.
Experienced Louisiana Asbestos Law Specialists The majority of mesothelioma lawsuits involve claims against asbestos manufacturers or employers for negligence in implementing safety measures to adequately protect employees and consumers. Establishing direct or sole liability can be difficult to prove - making the need for a specialist with experience in these types of cases even more critical for success.