Anyone that has worked or been in contact with asbestos is at risk of mesothelioma cancer but because cases have shown that often the cancer has taken upwards of fifty years to develop it is often extremely hard to find out where the exposure took place. The majority of people who have contracted mesothelioma cancer have worked with asbestos in an industrial environment but others have contracted it through handling the clothing of other workers.
The disease is caused by inhaling asbestos fiber which scars the lungs and continues to do so even after the exposure to the fiber has stopped. The quality that has asbestos has is in stopping the spread of fires but it has also been used for engine gaskets and as a lining on brakes. Mesothelioma Lawyers specialize in taking on the cases of people who have been diagnosed with this condition and putting together a structured case for compensation but this can be time consuming, difficult and takes a lot of research to obtain the full details to make a case. Employers have a duty of care to al their workers and if it is found they are guilty of placing their workers at risk in the past or even in the present; compensation in cases such as this are usually very large.
Each case is different so it is up to the mesothelioma lawyer to give an idea of the level of compensation to be pursued. However, unlike many other medical and legal areas, mesothelioma can take up to ten years just to become apparent and many cases require investing ca go back up to fifty years so the whole subject becomes very complicated. Mesothelioma lawyers will know what benefits you are entitled to and how you can claim them, even if your relative has already died of mesothelioma, but once you are diagnosed with the condition you are entitled to industrial injury benefit.
Owing to the cost involved in hiring the services of a mesothelioma lawyer it has become necessary for them to offer what they call a no-win, no-fee service so there is no risk on the part of the person hiring them but usually consultations to assess the compensation is required first. This fee based system is based on a percentage which is payable to the mesothelioma lawyer once the case has been won. Victims of mesothelioma cancer can also be provided with financial aid to take the case to court and given aid from the asbestos industry as well although the mesothelioma lawyer will be in a better position to inform his client how much this is likely to be.
For people who have a family member who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer then there is a strong chance that anyone else in their family they cam into contact with could also contract it from the asbestos fibers. Sometimes these cases take many years to complete so the lawyer you choose must be an expert in mesothelioma law and practice if you want a chance to win. Whether you or a relative are affected by this awful disease you need to be aware of your options regarding pursuing a case for compensation.